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OCA Katie Melanson

Full Name:
Katie Lynn Melanson


International Studies

Senate Responsibilities/Committees:
Katie is the Officer of Club Rights and Affairs, the chair of the Club Rights and Affairs committee, and a member of the executive board.

Plans After Graduation:
Katie plans on doing a bit of globetrotting (not of the Harlem persuasion) after graduation.

Favorite Quote/Saying:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." -Gandhi
"It's like you're unravelling a big cable-knit sweater, but someone keeps knitting, and knitting, and knitting, and knitting..." -Pee Wee Herman Pee Wee's Big Adventure

Katie's hobbies include volleyball, making/watching movies, eating/cooking food, dancing in the rain, singing in the snow, and last but not least: the drive in, and the events taking place there.
Senate Meetings

Meetings will be held every Wednesday evening at 8:00pm in North Dining Hall A. Please attend, as all are welcome!

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